Today we've watched a video on the history of the 50 United States of America.
Here are a few questions on the 4 states we've covered in class so far:
1- Who was the 1st to land in Florida?
2- Describe the history of naming the state of California?
3- Where does the state of Nevada get it's name from?
4- What is the origin of the name Nevada and what does it mean?
5- When Colorado became a territory, where did it get that name from?
6- Where does the state of Montana get it's name from? What does it mean?
7- Describe the history behind the name New Mexico?
8- There's a dispute on the origin of the name Arizona, write down in details both opinions?
9- Describe in detail the origin of the name Virginia?
10- How can the state of Virginia be named after queen Elizabeth I? (Critical Thinking)
Study these questions well and I've already given you the answers in class cause I'm going to ask you next class on each one of them.
Thank you for your attention.
Enjoy your time with Social Studies :-P
Mr. Tymour
Study these questions well and I've already given you the answers in class cause I'm going to ask you next class on each one of them.
Thank you for your attention.
Enjoy your time with Social Studies :-P
Mr. Tymour
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