A re you having difficulty getting up in the morning for school? Do you not feel like waking up? If so, this is the guide for you! Steps 1. Go to bed early. Teens need at least 7 hours of sleep, and 8 or 9 would be preferable. The older you are, the less sleep you need. So, in order to awake, say at 6am, you'll need to be in bed by 10:30 pm at the latest. 2. Set your clothes out the night before. By doing that, you won't be stressing while going to bed about what clothes you'll pick in the morning. 3. Have your hygienic items out and ready the night before. This can quicken the time. You won't have to go through millions of drawers just to find some lotion. (This point is mostly for girls) 4. Have a trusty alarm clock. Does your mother/father wake you up? Sometimes they don't wake up as well: they're human beings, you know. Make sure your alarm clock is set to go off at the correct time. Have it tuned to your favorite radio station fo...